====== Vybrané empirické studie (2010-2014) pro část SZZ Psychologie práce a organizace ====== //Martin Malec, 22. 1. 2014// - Ng, T. W., & Feldman, D. C. (2012). Employee voice behavior: A meta‐analytic test of the conservation of resources framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(2), 216-234. - Neustadt, E. A., Chamorro-Premuzic, T., & Furnham, A. (2011). Attachment at work and performance. Attachment & human development, 13(5), 471-488. - Koch, A., Strobel, A., Miller, R., Garten, A., Cimander, C., & Westhoff, K. (2012). Never Use One When Two Will Do. Journal of Personnel Psychology,11(2), 95-102. - Deprez-Sims, A., & Morris, S. (2013). The Effect of Non-native Accents on the Evaluation of Applicants during an Employment Interview: The development of a path model. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 21(4), pp. 355-367. - Melchers, K. G., Kleinmann, M., & Prinz, M. A. (2010). Do assessors have too much on their plates? The effects of simultaneously rating multiple assessment center candidates on rating quality. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 18(3), 329-341. - Blickle, G., Kramer, J., Schneider, P. B., Meurs, J. A., Ferris, G. R., Mierke, J., ... & Momm, T. D. (2011). Role of Political Skill in Job Performance Prediction Beyond General Mental Ability and Personality in Cross‐Sectional and Predictive Studies1. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(2), 488-514. - Latham, G. P., Ford, R. C., & Tzabbar, D. (2012). Enhancing employee and organizational performance through coaching based on mystery shopper feedback: A quasi‐experimental study. Human Resource Management, 51(2), 213-229. - Thorgren, S., & Wincent, J. (2013). Passion and challenging goals: drawbacks of rushing into goal‐setting processes. Journal of Applied Social Psychology,43(11), 2318-2329. - Strickland, O. J., Santiago, J., Fuller, S., & Dueñas, P. (2013). Training Transfer Behaviors: The Roles of Trainee Confidence, Knowledge, and Work Attitudes. Journal of Organizational Psychology vol, 13(1/2), 11. - Falxa-Raymond, N., Svendsen, E., & Campbell, L. (2013). From job training to green jobs: A case study of a young adult employment program centered on environmental restoration in New York City, USA. Urban Forestry, vol. 12(issue 3), pp. 287-295. * Alternativní článek: Saravani, S. R., & Abbasi, B. (2013). Investigating the influence of job rotation on performance by considering skill variation and job satisfaction of bank employees. Tehnički vjesnik, 20(3), 473-478. - Tekleab, A., & Quigley, N. (2014). Team deep-level diversity, relationship conflict, and team members' affective reactions: A cross-level investigation. Journal of Business Research, 67(3), pp. 394-402. * Alternativní článek: Sense, A., Fernando, M., & MacDonald, D. (2011). The spiritual identity of projects: Individual Perspectives. International Journal of Project Management, 29(5), pp. 531-544. - Strickland, O. J., Santiago, J., Fuller, S., & Dueñas, P. (2013). Training Transfer Behaviors: The Roles of Trainee Confidence, Knowledge, and Work Attitudes. Journal of Organizational Psychology vol, 13(1/2), 11. (viz ot.9) - Zacher, H. (2014). Career adaptability predicts subjective career success above and beyond personality traits and core self-evaluations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 84(1), pp. 21-30. - Lee, E., Park, S., & Lee, H. (2013). Employee perception of CSR activities: Its antecedents and consequences. Journal of Business Research, 66(10), pp. 1716-1724. - Fritz, C., Yankelevich, M., Zarubin, A., & Barger, P. (2010). Happy, healthy, and productive: the role of detachment from work during nonwork time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(5), 977. - (profil leadera) - Libor Malý (zakladatel LMC - Jobs.cz)